Lorne Michaels' Summer Reading? The 'Saturday Night Live' Cast List

After the much ballyhooed Season 38 finale, “Saturday Night Live” said “good-bye” to two featured players: Seth Meyers and Bill Heder. With a few flashes of brilliance - like the sketch on “Xanax for Gay Summer Weddings” - the real gem of the show was a different sort of gay union: that of Seth and Sefan, Bill Heder’s gay alter ego.

The Xanax sketch:

…Seth decks a newsman to win Stefan:

With the cast in an unusual state of flux,
Kate McKinnon should be high on Michaels’ list to fill out the permanent roster next season. I make my case here at The Backlot. She’s only been on the show for a year and has made a significant mark. (read more)