The 'Friends' Theme Song Like You've Never Heard It Before

We’ve all been subjected to the “I’ll Be There for You” ditty a thousand times - and The Rembrandts will always be known for it (and try to live it down).

But these three Irish guys sat in front of a piano and remade the hit in to something completely memorable.
Have a look:


'Pizza for Good' Book-release Party Video Trailer

What better way to tease the release of the book-release party video than to roast Penny Frulla?

Roasting Penny For Good from Will Pollock on Vimeo.

The set-up: we're about midway through the book-release party, and Penny is seated at the Troublemaker Table - a group of my friends in the back row who were giggling, laughing and generally causing trouble. I'm in the middle of a chapter presentation, and Penny's phone rang - and this is what happened next.

Full book-release party footage, including a short movie and a few other clips, coming soon.

Penny is the daughter-in-law of Lulu Frulla, the subject of Chapter One of
Pizza for Good. For more on the book and to purchase, click over to the book blog. Winking

"Pizza for Good" Blooper Reel

Had a blast making the Pizza for Good embed video with Duncan Connor. A little *too much fun. Have a look:

"Pizza for Good" Blooper Reel from Will Pollock on Vimeo.


ARTvision Atlanta's 2013 Artist Call

Proud to release this year’s video artist call for ARTvision Atlanta. This time, it has a twist - and you’ll have to watch it to find out. (Hint: it’s *instrumental to the video.)

ARTvision-8 Artist Call from Will Pollock on Vimeo.

If you’re an artist or own a piece of art and are interested in joining us this year, give me a shout and let me know. For more, visit
ARTvision on Facebook or go to our website and sign up now! Deadline is 17 September 2013. (more)

As always, 100% of proceeds to Positive Impact.

It's An Ad For MSNBC. But Still.

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'F**k You' - A Casual Study In Standing Up For Oneself


"Housekeeping??" A Laugh For Your Job Search


Usually A Throwaway, This Final SNL Skit Killed


More Like 'They'll Be There' - Comprehensive MJ With A Capella Style


We Are One World. Freedom Will Come. Listen To Your People, Ahmadinejad


'Can I Cook, Or Can't I?'

Family Guy has a bold ode to Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. Awesome!


Bruce: Unsung Hero Of Family Guy


Rates Are Going Up All Over... Even Behind Bars

Prison Economy Spirals As Price Of Pack Of Cigarettes Surpasses Two Hand Jobs

Build That Career Glenn. It's 9:12, Do You Know Where Hysteria Is?

Oh that’s right, here it is:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The 10/31 Project
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorNASA Name Contest


Happy Birthday To The Planet's Finest Hag

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OMFG: I Will Line Up For This Snazzy Star Trek Like A Week Early


What's Your Pledge?

My pledge is to keep working on being more of a producer instead of only a consumer...

MySpace Celebrity and Katalyst present The Presidential Pledge

Seeing Past 'Immense' Differences For Love & Friendship

As I catch up on my e-mail, this came in from Jason. A real keeper.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Ted & Rolando Are The Best Hosts On The Planet

...and we had a front seat to history. As such:

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'The World Is Barren Enough' Without A Chance At Love

And then, some much-needed comic relief:


Why Obama, Pt. III: 'Transformational Figure' Will End Us Vs. Them

(ATLANTA :: 3 Nov. 2008) This race is not just about race.

Underlying threads of an "Us vs. Them" mentality have been poisoning our politics, our daily lives actually, for decades. In the words of Colin Powell, we need a "transformational figure" to dismantle and permanently dissolve that ideology:

Barack Obama is just that person to bring about dramatic change in our country. Yes, he's only one person and yes, he's just a politician... with the same shortcomings as any of us.

But as I told my relatives out West, it's not just about what he represents - it's about whom he'd surround himself with; the potential pool of those sharp, astute policy wonks - people who can problem solve and not wag fingers (that is, when they're not sitting on their hands). That made the difference for me. We need expert leadership in as many positions in government as possible, and now here's our chance.

Andrew Sullivan, a conservative writer and pundit, someone I watch intently, has been blogging about why Obama is the best choice. Thanks to Musty for passing along his post about an essay in the Times of London, talking about how Obama is the sensible salve for "profound national demoralization."

This is not about party affiliation or loyalty for me - this is about who presents the better solutions for our social (Supreme Court), economic (broken credit markets) and other woes.

I've already voted Obama and
Jim Martin to defeat Saxby Chambliss, and will be volunteering tomorrow on Election Day. I will bring my camera along with me and record anything of interest.

As I said before... can you imagine intellectual curiosity in the White House again?

We're one more day away from restoring it.

# # #

Can't Blame Me, I Voted Early... But It's Still Funny As Hell

Update: Sent to me so far by: Beth, Michael and... more to follow?

Can You Imagine A President With 'Intellectual Curiosity' Again?

Amidst so many conservative defections to the Obama side, I've seen no better, more lucid and more compelling endorsement that that of Colin Powell.

Take a look.


Xenophobia... Of An Average Upstanding Citizen? Seriously?

Note to Manchurian Candidate voters: your numbers are waning and the message is hollow.

As I've always said, never mistake fairness for liberalism. In the same way, don't interpret
hatred and fear of the unknown as standing up to a "terrorist" threat.

Thanks to Gini for passing this along. John McCain and Sarah Palin should be ashamed, but definitely not surprised, by the reverberations of their more recent lines of attack. A "greatest hits" of hate:

I have a question for the "balance of power" voters who are resisting a fully Democratic congress and executive branch -- is THIS the balance you want in the White House? Seriously? Does this campaign demonstrate the capacity we need for that balance?

Make a protest against this nefarious, deviant campaign and vote Obama. Send McCain back to Arizona and Palin and her First Dude back to Alaska.


SNL Becomes More Brilliant And Astute By The Week

Shout out to Jason Sudeikis and Queen Latifah for nailing it along with Tina Fey once again.


You Raised $3,590 For Obama... Triscuit For Vice President!

Thanks ("...but no theeeanks!") and gratitude for all attendees of "Turning the Page: Atlantans Rally for Obama." Take a look at the pictures below... I loved seeing new and familiar (not old!) faces.

Thanks to Michael Baker of Positive Impact and Edmund Thornton of Georgia Pride for helping make this event so memorable.

Here's a look at the pictures:

And for those of you who missed Triscuit's Sarah Palin hissy fit, here you go:


Take A Break From Election Hell For A Thrill Ride

Adam Kimmel presents: Claremont HD from adam kimmel on Vimeo.

Happy Birthday To Two Homies: Clark Kirby & Scott Gibson

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I'm Thinking... Next Time? Don't Mess With Letterman

First, John McCain ditches Letterman in favor of an interview with Katie Couric, apparently not being truthful about his reasons for the no-show:

Then, Letterman came back on Day Two with even more zingers - including a snarky comment about inauguration day and Paris Hilton:

Last night, Julia Louis-Dreyfus came on and showed some solidarity:

I wonder what Dave's got on tap tonight.

If Only It Were This Easy

Obama Runs Constructive Criticism Ad Against McCain

'Born To Shimmer, Born To Shine' - A Wish For All Of US


Let's Kick Off September With A F$##$%ing Reality Check

Double talk, shit shoveling and lies.

But don't take it from me. Take a peek at Jon Stewart's dumbass round-up.

"Hold on lassie. It gets bumpy from here."


Would Dr. King Have Gone To Starbucks? I'll Have A Venti Elitist

Portrayal Of Obama As Elitist Hailed As Step Forward For African Americans

Still Holding Hope That Obama Chooses Hilary


Stolen Effexor Slogan Effectively Ends Ineffectual Affect Of The GOP

See more Adam "Ghost Panther" McKay videos at Funny or Die

Never 'Underestimate' Jennifer Paige. She's Baaaaaaaack

This video basically makes the following important point: if you're gonna be an arrogant douche hole, I'm takin' the credit card.

And the car!

Video, Underestimated Jennifer Paige

Don't Let The Cuts Fool You. True Journalists Need True Training

The below NBC News report talks about the deep cuts in the newspaper business.

And my alma mater thinks that, since reporting and writing is moving online, graduate schools must train journalists as thoughtless, shallow, promotional whores instead of real reporters.

Well, don't let the deep newspaper attrition fool you: we need good training more than ever. If we want to find the next Frank Rich, the only way to do that is to keep training journalists the old fashioned way - and then fold them in with new media.

In other words, if we don't apply tried-and-true standards to our bold new medium, we'll just become big shipping carriers of information without the depth we so desperately need in a country with a free press.


You'd Need A Few Lifetimes To Survey All The Damage

Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Disastrous Presidency

Provocative? Evocative? Maines Was Then, And Is Now, A Hero

(ATLANTA :: 7 July 2008) Funny how time flies after being called a bitch.

And that's the nice language. Here's a classic from the MySpace TV vault that can be watched over and over for its honesty and spot-on message.

Dixie Chicks: Not Ready to Make Nice-ACL 2007

Back in 2003,
Maines expressed regret that our president hailed from Texas. Back then, in my mind, the whole thing won Best in Show in the "Who Gives A Shit" competition of offensive remarks. But whatever.

As it turns out, since then, we've come to know the Bush Administration for playing fast and loose with our freedoms, our military and foreign-policy decisions, and his choices to head up key leadership roles. And that's just for starters.

"Doin' a heckuva job Brownie."

From self-aggrandizing executive signing orders to consolidating executive-branch power, he's not only a failure but a danger to our nation as long as he's in office. I'm counting the days.

I'd be ashamed if he were from Atlanta (or New York, or Virginia -- even West Virginia). Happy The good news? We got that great CD out of the whole affair, and they were rewarded for it at the Grammys.

As you watch the above beautiful video, remember how much shit Maines and the Chicks got (remember the radio station-sponsored bulldozers running over their CDs?) and how she transmuted it into something truly amazing.

Turns out, I'm very often not ready to make nice, either.


# # #


I Miss Maya Rudolph & 'Bronx Beat'

I picked up this gem from someone's myspace page...

...which reminded me of this skit:


The Supremes Rule That Death Penalty Is 'Totally Badass'

They say justice is blind...

Supreme Court Rules Death Penalty Is 'Totally Badass'


'Lead Or Leave': Thomas Friedman Nails Bush's Energy Failure

In today's Times, Thomas Friedman deserves some sort of medal.

His op-ed, in the plainest terms yet, details why our sorry president deserves a failing grade in energy policy.

I was reporting and writing for when Bush took office - and when Cheney was crafting energy policy with a board that consisted of a who's who in Corporate Oil.

Since that time,
his failure to act has been widely reported by MSM and blogs, Web sites, focus groups - you name it. The corporatization of energy policy had begun.

Today, Bush is heckling Congress that if they don't act before recess, they've got the blood of $4 per gallon gas on their hands without domestic drilling. Without a formal plan for alternative energy, he's just trying to make his fat-cat buddies even fatter than they were before.

Bush is incompetent. He's an elitist scumbag who thinks he's God's gift (literally, figuratively...), which, as evidenced by the below video, is definitely not true.

It's sad that impeachment is summarily off the table basically because we're so close to him leaving. Just on energy policy alone, his grade is "F".

Of course that's just one reason for our fatigue... Embodied brilliantly by Skeeter and Jimmy Bob, watching from the sidelines, who
could give a rat's ass about Bush's arrival:


House To Air On 'Renovation Nation' Next Week

Discovery Channel's "Planet Green" -- a brand-new, all-green channel with requisite tree-hugger programming -- will feature the house renovation next week. Check your local listings, but on my Comcast DVR it's slated for Wednesday night at 6 p.m., on "Renovation Nation."

As you check your local listings, watch out for the "Renovation Nation" that focuses on the Atlanta area.

Here's a preview of the channel itself:

And a
preview of the show:

In addition to green products,
Charley's deserts and my big gut will be featured. Don't miss it.

I'm gonna go eat my celery sticks now...

What Does A 'Drag Queen Prom Dress' Look Like Exactly?


'You Guys Have Changed Who I Am': Idol Chat Gives Back

"Idol Chat," a v-log that Penny and Jim have been doing this season of American Idol, has apparently garnered quite a fan base.

One admirer, in fact, was changed quite dramatically after watching the show:

"I wanted to say thank you. You guys have changed who I am, and you have no idea. I've lived in a smaller city my hole life, there are like 50,000 people here. And until the last couple of years, you would have never known that there were gay people who live here. I live in a city where people don't accept gays very openly, I guess you could say. And up until recently I guess I was just like everyone else. But since I've been watching your show, I have realized that I was being just like everyone else. And even if I didn't mean it, I know I'm not a bad person, but I was raised to think it's wrong, I guess. But now I realize that the way I was thinking wasn't fair or right.I have absolutely fallen in love with you guys. I think you are hillarious, and very talented. And no one would have guessed it, but I actually love spending time with the gay men that I work with now. So thank you again so much, for making me realize that it's ok not to think like everyone else." (Tasha, undisclosed location)

It's a testament to their appeal that someone could have such a transformation, and I'm proud to have been a part of it... watch for the final episode this week, with a greatest hits montage coming soon, too.

Thanks To Katrina & Abigail, Who Are Both Apples Of My Eye

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Kathy Griffin Does Her Best Sharon Osborne...

...and, like me, she talks in bullet points.

"I can't stand that Ryan Seacrest and here's why:"

Watch the below video for a bunch of laughs... and her impersonation of the Osbornes is hilarious.

Who knew Dick Clark was such a badass?

And a postscript: Kathy does flashcards on Ellen.

Season four of the "D List" starts next month!

MySpace Is Good For At Least One Thing: A Starkeisha Reunion

Finesse Mitchell on SNL as STARKEISHA

I Know Her So Well: Not Just In The Movies

Check out this video: I Know Him So Well

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Jenny Paige Making Her Comeback Soon!

Check out this video: Sober

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In Advance Of Mother's Day, A Special Message

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Check Out Jim & Penny's Latest 'Idol Chat'


The Brain Scientist With Personal Experience


Keith's Clinton Special Comment

Whether or not you agree with the content, it's worth a look. Thanks to MediaBistro for doing a post about this.

I like both Democratic candidates. But I don't like the way the Clinton camp responded to insinuations about Obama's religon, about his electability ("if you can't win Pennsylvania you can't win the general election) and about Ferraro's comments.

Take a look, see what you think.


Question Patriotism By Deeds, Not Missing Jewelry
