MANners: Please... Fly The Friendly Skies

Here is the latest installment of a semi-regular series on Your all-travel version starts right now:

demeanor: your seat in first class is not your living room EZ chair. as such, if you’re not napping, don’t recline the chair to its fullest position and change your position as if you’re in a massaging recliner. yes, I’m talking to you Professor Douchebag in front of me in 4B.

seating preferences: if you don’t want a bulkhead seat, then don’t re-seat yourself and expect someone to accept it on your behalf. and a related point (from the same experience): if you’re seated in the bulkhead aisle, the seat underneath you is NOT your storage. let me introduce you to the overhead bin because that’s where your shit goes.

in-and-out: this bears repeating from my earlier post. the seat in front of you is NOT, repeat NOT, a handlebar for you to get in and out of your seat. do you realize how disruptive this is to the person in the seat? whether you’re in first, coach or you’ve been banished to cargo, you do not have the right to interrupt people’s sleep and comfort in order to brace yourself into your seat.

More to follow.

(Pic courtesy of Getty Images.)

MANners: Ban Douchebags From The Gym. Now.

Here is the latest installment of a semi-regular series on For your consideration, these are specifically related to gym-goers who have their cell phones attached as an appendage:

peeing: don’t let me hear the splash of your urine clashing with the blather of your conversation. sadly, that’s exactly what happened. and the call was answered while at the urinal. how is that possible? seriously?

seated biking: do you seriously think the person on the other end of the line wants to chat with you while you’re sweating? is the call really that important?

training: I’m thinking that your attention should be paid to your client, NOT to your texting friends or buddies who need to reach you for their steroid fix. keep the phone in your locker buddy.

More to follow.

(Image courtesy of

MANners: Puffed Up Chest, Deflated Relationship

Here is the latest installment of a semi-regular series on For your consideration:

dating: avoid overpromising. don’t self-aggrandize. don’t use your relationship toward a narcissistic end, rather, feed it for the future. don’t try and be someone you aren’t able to become, or engage someone without knowing yourself first. if you see into your own soul, you’ll allow yourself to know others.

flying: if you’re a TSA agent checking passengers’ IDs, don’t be gossiping with a co-worker and not paying attention to what you’re doing. it’s rude to passengers, for sure, but you also might miss the next Osama slipping by. duh. trade recipes while you’re on a break, cool?

volunteering: exercise your own image of philanthropy, however humble; don’t impose it as a “my way” philosophy on others, especially on a team. it’s counterproductive, flippant, careless and rude.

More to follow.

(Image courtesy of
Rogue Jew.)

Brace Yourself... The Seat In Front Of You Can Be An Irritant To Your Co-flyer

I’ve decided to start a semi-regular feature on called “MANners,” in which I give random thoughts about life... observations about things that bug the shit out of me.

These musings are from a man, directed to men. Here’s a few to get started:

flying: do not, under any circumstances, use the seat in front of you to “brace” yourself in and our of your area. if you are unable to sit down unassisted you shouldn’t be flying.

retail: don’t offer words like “can I help you” and be doing something else, looking away from your customers. if you can’t be bothered to do your job well, do something else.

news: if your objective is to make the news in a grand-man style vs. simply reporting it, sign up with a movie studio. your entertaining prowess will be more appreciated there. otherwise, shut the hell up.

More to follow.