Help Me Bust The eBook Bias: Five Reasons Why ‘Pizza for Good’ Can And Will Break The Media-coverage Glass Ceiling

You might call this post an ebook-marketing manifesto. You might call it a plea. You might also call it a pipe dream.

Whatever you think after reading, one thing is for sure: local and national media turn their noses up at eBooks, and it’s time to shift that paradigm. If traditional books
may be on the decline statistically, news outlets haven’t gotten that memo. Too many good ebooks are going un-covered, unloved and un-bought. And my first eBook, “Pizza for Good,” is as good as any to break the mold. “PFG” can and will give enterprising, altruistic folks a fun way to raise money for causes that need it.

Why should “Pizza for Good” be the book that breaks through? Glad you asked. Here’s the first of five reasons why this book deserves more coverage:

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America’s Favorite Food. Pizza is the “culinary magnetic charge that transforms hungry people in to a unified army,” as I write in the book’s introduction. You know the feeling of anticipation when you order take-away pizza—but what if I told you that delicious, fresh pizza made at home using fresh ingredients also can be a rally cry to raise money? The book explains a simple blueprint for doing just that, and you get some snazzy recipes, photos, video and stories, too.

Read the full blog post and please share with your friends! Most of all, have a safe and happy new year.

UPDATE: PFG got its first Amazon review! Delia C. wrote:

”Inspiring interactive book that connects all your senses to something important. Fun to read and very moving. The stories, the recipes all wonderful.”

Check out the review here—and remember: Amazon kudos are worth their weight in gold. If you’ve read the book and dug it, please write a quick review!

"Stoic" Heads Up for December

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Stoic” was a shot I took during a snowstorm in Charlottesville, Va. The rusted out parking sign struck me as a stark contrast to the paper-white snow that had just fallen. Hope you enjoy! Go directly to SmugMug to purchase.

"Pizza for Good" Blooper Reel

Had a blast making the Pizza for Good embed video with Duncan Connor. A little *too much fun. Have a look:

"Pizza for Good" Blooper Reel from Will Pollock on Vimeo.


ARTvision Atlanta's 2013 Artist Call

Proud to release this year’s video artist call for ARTvision Atlanta. This time, it has a twist - and you’ll have to watch it to find out. (Hint: it’s *instrumental to the video.)

ARTvision-8 Artist Call from Will Pollock on Vimeo.

If you’re an artist or own a piece of art and are interested in joining us this year, give me a shout and let me know. For more, visit
ARTvision on Facebook or go to our website and sign up now! Deadline is 17 September 2013. (more)

As always, 100% of proceeds to Positive Impact.

Lorne Michaels' Summer Reading? The 'Saturday Night Live' Cast List

After the much ballyhooed Season 38 finale, “Saturday Night Live” said “good-bye” to two featured players: Seth Meyers and Bill Heder. With a few flashes of brilliance - like the sketch on “Xanax for Gay Summer Weddings” - the real gem of the show was a different sort of gay union: that of Seth and Sefan, Bill Heder’s gay alter ego.

The Xanax sketch:

…Seth decks a newsman to win Stefan:

With the cast in an unusual state of flux,
Kate McKinnon should be high on Michaels’ list to fill out the permanent roster next season. I make my case here at The Backlot. She’s only been on the show for a year and has made a significant mark. (read more)

Loving The 'Hybrids' Sci-Fi Short


Epic Lip Sync - Jimmy Fallon & 'The Office''s John Krasinski

With a huge h/t to Rachel Brown, here’s an epic lip-sync duel that features Melissa Manchester, Boyz II Men and the one and only Sam Harris.


Neutral Zone Breach: Why JJ Abrams Directing Star Wars is Bad for Sci-Fi

In "The Enterprise Incident," an episode in the original Star Trek series that aired in September 1968, Kirk & Co. enter the neutral zone between Federation and Romulan space without permission. They are captured and, after a struggle, Kirk is presumed dead - then brought back to life as Romulan. The episode proves how odd and uncomfortable it is for fans to see the fearless leader of a ship transformed as a different race altogether.

JJ Abrams accepting the gig to direct
Star Wars: Episode VII creates a similar dis-ease. He may be able to save that operatic saga from the dark, cartoonish canyons of Jar Jar Binks, but it’s to the disillusionment of newly forged Star Trek fans. I have and always will be invested in both franchises, intensely so, but to put the same man in charge of both violates an unseen firewall that many sci-fi geeks place between the two. (read the post)

Fact To Fiction: A Writer Catches Improv Theatre

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(from left: Stephanie Frasier, Will Pollock, Jill Camper & (seated) Nick Cooper)

(ATLANTA :: 23 March 2012) Us writer-types are notorious cocooners. We isolate and analyze, hewing to thought lines, parsing sentences, stretching syntax and linking semi-coherent thoughts to tell a story with which folks might identify.

We scare ourselves within the private confines of a looming deadline or project weight - with a screaming, nagging, fearful voice that only we hear. Yes, like a dog whistle, and it’s as loud as a police siren sometimes. We’re also taught to question conventional wisdom and turn over details for accuracy and truth.

Improv comedy, I’m delighted to say, is the polar opposite of the writer experience. (
read the whole post)

Juding The Judges: My Rank Of 'Idol' Panelists

Simon Cowell (image courtesy of Macleans)

After Simon Cowell departed “American Idol,” the curmudgeonly Brit’s absence caused the show’s judging panel to take some notable turns. Most of them haven’t been positive, either: The show went from engaging analysis of singing (albeit with ridiculous marketing placement everywhere) to farce, blandness, skimpy outfits and in-fighting.

Jennifer Hudson (image courtesy of Hello magazine)

“It's taken a bit to get used to the new judges,” Oscar winner and “Idol” alum Jennifer Hudson recently told DigitalSpy. To say the least. Mariah Carey was rumored to be furious when Nicki Minaj was signed; TMZ posted video from an unknown source that seemed to show Minaj threatening to kill Carey. Oy vey.

These days, we exhausted viewers are way more likely to judge the judges themselves rather than witness the unlikely rise of an unknown star. So why not start right now?
Click over to my post on for my rank of all judges, past and present. The results may surprise you!

UPDATE: one story commenter wrote: “A harsh and biased review on Mariah.”

UPDATE 2: My longtime idol, Larry Flick, Tweeted this morning: “I agree with your list.”

UPDATE 3: Another commenter: “You're right on in praising the UNDER-rated Kara DeGuardio (who got a raw deal) and, surprisingly, Paula Abdul.”

I'll Take The Center Square For The Win

So proud of my nephew Spencer “Spensavory” Brown… His brother Ethan, resident Mathemagician and profile subject for “Instinct in the Round: Gourmet Pizza for Good,” has spurred his brother to take up the cause, too. Watch:


Meeting Tweep & 'Accidental Pundette" Nancy Giles

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Nancy was delightful in person - we saw her on closing night and it was inspiring to learn more about her journey to pundette-itry.

Atlanta Muni Traffic-court Musings

I had my traffic-court date today, my first ever. The poh poh pulled me over for a stop-sign violation just before the New Year to make quota, I guess, since he said (quoting) “you kind of went right through the stop sign.”

I wonder if “kind of” is a box you check on the ticket? Whatever. As a huge Law & Order fan, I welcome the chance to go down and check out the freakshow that is invariably there every week. Basically, this is me:

I welcome jury duty, too, but I don’t take it upon myself to call in for cases.

Some fun things that happened today:

• The judge was absent, playing golf probably, so I have to go back a second and third time.
• Officer Polk, the bailiff, was AWESOME - just like the wise-cracking one on Judge Judy.
• I was trolled by a Chatty Cathy dude, who was cited for selling cookies at Five Points. Yes, really. He had the most disgusting sneeze involving fluids and screeching that it made me mentally gag. Officer Polk, to his credit, kept telling him to stifle. Cathy just kept talking - even to people like me who for sure weren’t listening.
• About half of the names called were absent, which triggers a bench warrant. I wonder how much that costs the city - keeping track of city deadbeats.
• Those of us with minor citations were given the option to pay a reduced fine - about half. 99% of people eligible to do this (called “
PTIT” or pre-trial intervention traffic) accepted and went to pay - I declined so I could have my judge time.
• I took MARTA, which is relatively easy since I don’t have to change trains. Much easier than parking downtown - ably pointed out by my Tweep,

Stay tuned. I’ll update this post in a month when I go back to the City Circus.
- WP


Tig Notaro Live: Reviews For Her ‘Legendary’ Set Are In

I was stretching and waking up this morning watching CNN, and caught a report by Randy Kaye about Tig Notaro. Tig lost her mother, broke up with her girlfriend and was diagnosed with breast cancer within a few days last year - just before she was booked to do a set at Largo in Los Angeles. (read the post)