
[ always tell stories ]

More Medill Woes

Daniel Sinker blogs about how Medill is considering dropping the "Journalism" name from its storied institution.

One of the proposed offending monikers?

"The Medill School of Audience and Consumer Information"

Excuse me for putting it this way, but FUCK THAT.

I just spent the weekend
learning how to be a better journalist, learning how to tell better stories in every project, every article... and all I want to say is this: new media and technology should not precede journalism training, it should absolutely be the other way around.

I brought an excitement and aptitude for technology/new media to Medill, an ability that was enhanced and informed by the man-on-the-street, boots-on-the-ground science of journalism.

This is a disgrace. Even if the name changes and lands in the neighborhood of the above proposal, I'll probably renounce my degree.

I graduated Medill with honors and the school is in my heart, in my DNA. This change will cause the school I love to cease to exist.

Remember... Words Can Kill

I am reluctantly posting this rant because it's important to remember the type of people out there who think they are doing God's work by hating those around them.

This brilliant oratory was brought to light by the brave people at
VictoryFund, so make sure to check them out.

At the risk of giving this lady more of a platform than she deserves, it's seems important to expose people like this and risk undue elevation. It's words like hers that get people beaten up and killed, despite her right to say them.

So... if you have the stomach for it, take a look below, and reply to some of the posters.