
[ always tell stories ] this month: "kiln candy"


Vote (And Donate) 'No' On California's Prop 8

(LAS VEGAS :: 30 October 2008) Does this look like a dangerous group of people?


And the answer should be the same on California's Proposition 8, which limits marriage between a man and a woman... and has incited some dangerous language along with it.

Listen to right-wing nut job Tony Perkins "interview" people about this legislation:

For so long, for TOO long, we've used religion as a way of restricting freedoms instead of celebrating them. It's time for that to stop.

You have people, responsible ones, who want to "focus on the family" and have settled, safe, abundant lives and you're actually trying to stop that success? Seriously?

My committed (and now married) friends, Brenda & Julie and Wayne & Ed, are not attempting to infiltrate the nation's families. Do your family dynamics - some of them are laughable, some admirable - somehow contribute to mine?

Californians, vote no on Prop. 8, and
give anything you can to defeat this measure. I just gave $50.

Stop messing with state constitutions as an end run around federal law.


Can't Blame Me, I Voted Early... But It's Still Funny As Hell

Update: Sent to me so far by: Beth, Michael and... more to follow?

Stallion Alert: First Openly Gay Horse Running A Race

First Openly Gay Racehorse To Compete Sunday

Can You Imagine A President With 'Intellectual Curiosity' Again?

Amidst so many conservative defections to the Obama side, I've seen no better, more lucid and more compelling endorsement that that of Colin Powell.

Take a look.


So What Do These Folks Do If Obama Is Actually Elected?

Update: here's the best response I could find for such ignorance (as always, I turn to humor):


Here's A Hysterical Caribou Barbie Interactive Game


Please Support My AIDS Walk 2008 Effort!

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to my AIDS Walk effort so far. The following people completely rock my world:

Frank Wickstead

Lisa Ferreri

Dean & Mary Pollock

Beth Wade

Tim Clemmey

Help me blow past my goal even further! AID Atlanta is one of the best organizations of its kind.

Also, I'm a "Green Walker" this year, which means I'm bringing old cell phones and toner cartridges with me to recycle, and walking to and from the event.

Thanks for your support.



Xenophobia... Of An Average Upstanding Citizen? Seriously?

Note to Manchurian Candidate voters: your numbers are waning and the message is hollow.

As I've always said, never mistake fairness for liberalism. In the same way, don't interpret
hatred and fear of the unknown as standing up to a "terrorist" threat.

Thanks to Gini for passing this along. John McCain and Sarah Palin should be ashamed, but definitely not surprised, by the reverberations of their more recent lines of attack. A "greatest hits" of hate:

I have a question for the "balance of power" voters who are resisting a fully Democratic congress and executive branch -- is THIS the balance you want in the White House? Seriously? Does this campaign demonstrate the capacity we need for that balance?

Make a protest against this nefarious, deviant campaign and vote Obama. Send McCain back to Arizona and Palin and her First Dude back to Alaska.


Civil Discourse, A Tense Exchange... And Lots Of Daylight

Regardless of what side you fall on, I was glued to my computer watching this exchange.


No Need For A Set Up: Five Percent Of Europe Should Be Slapped

And not in a good way:


A Safe Nation Is NOT The OK Corral

(ATLANTA :: 13 October 2008) Do we really want to continue with the "Boot In The Ass" politics of the past? Do we *actually* want W's policies to live on past their 20 January 2009 dying day? Take a look at this clip, and then some comment excerpts following:

All the below comments, included without editing, come from the blog Macsmind. I normally don't give air time to festering wingnuts, but I want you to see and read firsthand how people have reacted to this video (courtesy of Anita sharing on Facebook):

Warden writes: "If Obama is elected you will no longer be living in a free nation."

Phipps writes: "Obama would have us show up for the gun fight at the OK corral with bare hands to negotiate! In his own words, Obama has declared this country open territory for every nut job in the world to do as they please."

Smith writes: "He IS someone to fear, and we Americans are the sheep going to slaughter if we don’t stop him."

Barber writes: "What every conservative christian in America should be doing is praying for God to have mercy on America one more time. If Obama gets this important possition, we have no hope in the values our fore-Fathers built this fine nation on."

Anonymous writes: "O’bama is a Muslim !! Anyone that will sit there and tell you that he will disarm our America definitely isn’t an American.We weren’t disarmed when our New York City exploded..We weren’t disarmed when our ships took on dynamite..Concerned,Very much so if we are lead by a Muslim.You “white” O’Bama nuts are only voting for this man because you hate george Bush so very much! He and his wife Hates White folks!!! The Blacks,what can I say more?They’re voting for him Because he is black..I don’t like the way GB has run our country either but I’m be damned if I’ll give a Muslim my vote!!!"

Assuming that many of these posters were transformed by 9/11, as we all were, fear is the guiding principle of their opposition to Obama. Fear of being left unprotected; that if we aren't always on offense we are pussies, wimps, losers, un-Christian and un-American. Fear of the great unknown.

That is a steaming pile of horse shit.

We've tried George Bush's America, his OK Corral, his anti-compassionate conservatism, and it hasn't worked. Time for something new.

But I'll go a step further: don't wave a loaded gun in my face and tell me your a peacekeeper. Fear makes everyone a gun-toting trailblazer - when you think you're protecting yourself from the angry mob in your neighborhood or if you're in the armed services. Guns, missile defenses, threats of war and phony posturing are all tools of a disintegrated masculine tirade, and it's all a bunch of crap.

If you believe radical Islam is out to get you, you should equally be fearful of radical Christianity, or radical anything. The McCain campaign has tried to instill fear in the American electorate by insinuations and wonderings aloud:

There are "leaders" who bait and switch because they don't have the chops, and there are leaders who... LEAD. There is sensible protection that doesn't inflame our friends, and then there is aggression for the sake of being a badass. We have failed on that point, and many others, over the past seven years.

If we continually operate from a place of fear, we will never, repeat NEVER, advance or learn from what happened on 9/11, as referenced in the above comments.

So, here the final thought: no more chest thumping, no more brow beating, no more "this town ain't big enough...", no more my dick is bigger than yours.

Peace will lead to prosperity and understanding. Sensible protectionism and normalized military mobilization is our best chance for freedom and world leadership.

Think about it. Leave the boots at home.

# # #

Rules & Oversight: Thanks But No Thanks

This report is about a month old, but it puts Palin's refusal to cooperate now in better context. Flouting rules and abuse of power is exactly why we find ourselves in the messes, plural, that we're in now. Is Palin cut from that cloth?


Caution: Slapable When Cute

Sometimes I just can't take it... If you understand what Violent Affection Syndrome is, and see the following pictures, you'll know why I want to strangle Zach (at left) and Henry.

Of course, said strangling is only in the metaphorical sense. But still. they are so cute it's just outrageous, lame and makes me cray-zee. Here's what I mean:

This is the perfect break from our icky political season. Cheers... More N&N VAS coming soon.

'The Great Schlep' - I'll Work On My Imaginary Jewish Grandmother

Thanks to Chuckles for passing this along.


Hey Missy! Turn Clockwise 45 Degrees And Use Both Fingers

That's the most awesome, pudgy little middle finger I've ever seen.


Don't Let The Cute Face Fool You: Palin Hissy Fit Vol. II

She's at it again... this time, Triscuit says "theeeanks but no theeeeanks" to Governor Palin.


Why Obama, Pt. II: Consider What Your Future Self Wants Now

(ATLANTA :: 5 October 2008)

Step out of the shadows.

That's the message from
Deepak Chopra, writing a piece called "Obama and The Palin Effect," for the HuffPost. Chopra argues that Sarah Palin represents the shadow self, tantalizing and luring us into embracing fear and suspicions rather than engaging our more integrated, enlightened and higher self.

"She is the reverse of Barack Obama, in essence his shadow, deriding his idealism and exhorting people to obey their worst impulses," he writes. "In psychological terms the shadow is that part of the psyche that hides out of sight, countering our aspirations, virtue, and vision with qualities we are ashamed to face: anger, fear, revenge, violence, selfishness, and suspicion of 'the other.' For millions of Americans, Obama triggers those feelings, but they don't want to express them."

Chopra's piece is a masterstroke in sensible reality creation and understanding where, either subliminally or directly, one can attempt to darken an otherwise bright and optimistic horizon. To turn the fear on its ear, think instead of "the other" as possibly "the one" for which we could be looking.

You are not subverting yourself to believe in a single agent of change. In fact, it's the very leadership we need in the face of the three "Es": energy, the environment and our pummeled economy, to name a few.

So, because I believe so strongly in
Barack Obama as a catalyst for change in this country, I ask you to stop and look forward:

...It's Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2008. It's mid morning and you're into your third cup of coffee. One full month after our general election has passed; we are gearing up for the holiday season - but also, the next administration is conducting transition plans for January 20, 2009. These plans include choosing people for cabinet positions; setting critical policy direction and decisions; and ramping up other important political machinations that will shape our future.

On this day, would you prefer to be anticipating a McCain-Palin administration to take over, with much of the same philosophies and strategies and shortcomings of our current administration? Or, while in the transition, would you prefer to be anticipating a more dramatic change, with confidence that, no matter how scary the unknown may actually be, that by our own action and decisions, our country is going to fundamentally shift to a new tone, direction and priority system?

If you envision yourself on that day, awaiting the transition... which scenario fits with our collective needs as a country?

Barack Obama LogoAnd in the broadest of terms: would you prefer to install the oldest president ever chosen, an outwardly bitter and angry person, who chose a profoundly unqualified running mate; or would you want instead to be a witness to history - led by a clearly more integrated, connected, reasoned, decent human being, the first African American ever elected?

Does that last idea bring up a pang of fear or a feeling of pride?

If you answer "both," you're not alone. No change comes without preceding chaos, and Palin is sure tryin' hard to instill that in us - with a shameful accusation that Obama is "
paling around with terrorists." Seriously?

Do not give in to fear. Chopra writes:

"Obama's call for higher ideals in politics can't be seen in a vacuum. The shadow is real; it was bound to respond. Not just conservatives possess a shadow -- we all do. So what comes next is a contest between the two forces of progress and inertia. Will the shadow win again, or has its furtive appeal become exhausted?"

I believe the latter.

So... your future self is sitting in the presidential transition, on that fateful Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2008, with the hope that we step out of the shadows as a powerful statement against the sad, manipulative pandering of both the Bush administration and what the McCain-Palin ticket has thus far stood for.

Neither party is perfect. But this year we have a clear choice. Step out of the shadows and embrace progress.

# # #

(graphic courtesy of geeksugar; chopra picture:

Update: McCain gestures to Obama during debate last night (7 Oct. 2008) and says "that one," intending to be ironically and heroically dismissive and yet ending up looking like an ignoramus.


SNL Becomes More Brilliant And Astute By The Week

Shout out to Jason Sudeikis and Queen Latifah for nailing it along with Tina Fey once again.


A Canine Revolution: Dogs Unite Against Sarah Palin

See, Triscuit ain't the only one offended by Palintology.

To wit:


You Raised $3,590 For Obama... Triscuit For Vice President!

Thanks ("...but no theeeanks!") and gratitude for all attendees of "Turning the Page: Atlantans Rally for Obama." Take a look at the pictures below... I loved seeing new and familiar (not old!) faces.

Thanks to Michael Baker of Positive Impact and Edmund Thornton of Georgia Pride for helping make this event so memorable.

Here's a look at the pictures:

And for those of you who missed Triscuit's Sarah Palin hissy fit, here you go:


Video Response To Kathy Griffin On YouTube

Here's a funny video response to my Kathy Griffin posting:


Take A Break From Election Hell For A Thrill Ride

Adam Kimmel presents: Claremont HD from adam kimmel on Vimeo.

Hand Eaising Or Crickets Chirping? They Report, You 'Decide'


Happy Birthday To Two Homies: Clark Kirby & Scott Gibson

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

'Equilibrium' Is A Wish For The Election, Among Other Things

Seeking calm.

That seems to be what we're up to the past few days - both in the election and with the credit markets.

So I submit "Equilibrium" for your consideration... to help your soul know that hope is on the horizon. I submitted it to in the "faith" category because we're always closer to our spiritual side in nature. Click the link to learn more.

Also, heading up for October is "Awash" - another in my Costa Rican Orchid Garden series.

This image is one of a few captures that will be featured in ARTvision 2008. More on that very soon.

Other new features this month:

- Updated
Jump pages
- New navigation, including a new tab to my
Twitter profile, the newest (and most addictive) social networking site
- Revised
bio, including new projects
- New captures loaded to my
MobileMe gallery, including the 40/70 celebration
- New vault articles

Coming soon: my first piece in
Atlanta Intown on Radial Cafe and GreenPlate.