ARTvision Artist: Brenda McMillen
Atlanta, GA :: Contact Brenda
(ATLANTA, Dec. 12.) - With a BS in computer science and math and an MBA in Marketing, Brenda McMillen paints in her spare time... enjoying every minute of it. Brenda has been working on her "Hearts of Love" series, one of which is on sale in the ARTvision benefit.
“I'm having so much fun creating them,” she says of the series. “I even had the six year old girl who lives behind me come over yesterday and let her pick the background color and cut her own hearts out for her mom's Christmas present. It came out so cute as all the hearts look like V's and she cut them to represent the size of the mom, dad, herself and little brother.”
Brenda adds that engaging her creative side gives her life a sense of balance. "I truly do paint from the heart," she says. - WP